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Financial freedom means different things to different people. For some, it means being an entrepreneur and owning their own businesses. Others feel financially secure when they are saving enough for retirement. Simply having enough to pay the bills and set money aside for unexpected expenses fits the bill for some people. However, many people don’t know what steps to take to attain financial freedom. Fortunately, you can break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle by applying a few simple tips to the task of managing money.


Choose to Change


It isn’t enough to dream about financial freedom. The first step to reaching that happy state is to act. You must change your financial behavior to put yourself on the road to financial security. Start with a modest goal. Allow enough time to reach your goal. For example, you might decide to save $1,000 over the next six months by trimming unnecessary expenses.


Create a Budget


Effectively managing money is vital if you want to attain financial freedom. Create a budget, and update it periodically. This will allow you to know how much is coming in and how you are spending each dollar. You will be able to reliably allocate money for necessary expenses and reduce the risk of running short at the end of the month.


Eliminate Empty Spending


Empty spending is like empty calories when you try to lose weight. Empty spending includes impulse buying and purchases that you really don’t need. Develop thrifty habits like making trips to your local farmer’s market and saving to buy things for cash instead of using credit cards.


Rainy Day Fund


The only certainty about unexpected expenses is that you will have them occur from time to time. Start an emergency fund. Set a goal of saving $1,000 to start with. Keep adding to this emergency fund until you have enough to pay basic expenses for three to six months. When you must pull cash out of your emergency fund, make it a priority to replace it as quickly as possible.


Save for Retirement


A substantial retirement nest egg is absolutely crucial for attaining financial freedom. If your employer offers a retirement savings plan, take advantage of it. If not, open an IRA and make regular contributions. Over time, these tax-deferred accounts can assure you a comfortable retirement.


Pay Off Credit Cards


Credit cards are great for building good credit. If you carry a large balance, the interest charges add up fast and will drag you down financially. Make a plan to pay off your credit cards. Once that’s done, pay off anything you charge at the end of each month to avoid incurring those expensive finance charges.